Expand the discounts available to plans and members, delivering both convenience and savings.
Network Pricing with Zelis.
Gain access to contracted discounts for out-of-network claims by accessing 60+ local, national, and specialty network partners. Leverage 800k+ provider relationships nationwide to expand coverage for out-of-network medical, dental, and worker’s compensation claims.
Dive Deeper
Leverage contracted rates, even on out-of-network claims.
Gain full access to a diverse range of local, regional, and national specialty network partners. Combine with your own provider network (or a Zelis network) to ensure adequate coverage for out of area, out of network and other key providers.
This expands savings and convenience to plans and members, while also allowing our team to recommend the best discount available at each provider.
This also avoids contract breaches that often exist with competitors’ supplemental networks, particularly when Market-Based Pricing is introduced.
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Network Pricing to modernize your strategy
Talk to our experts about tailored solutions for your business goals.
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